Tuesday, March 22, 2011

world optometry day...

optometry is the field which primarily deals with refractive error correction and primary eye care.since 80% of blindness is avoidable and a considerable amount of this avoidable blindness is due to refractive error optometrist do play a huge role in the 2020 programme ,which plans to erradicate avoidable blindness by the year 2020 and restoration of normal eyesight of 20/20.
23 rd december is observed as WORLD OPTOMETRY DAY.
being an optometrist i urge all the professional from this field to take up the matter seriously and spread the optometric awareness
i also urge the common mass to encourage us to serve you more efficiantly and help us restore your sight....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

new year blues...

chilli winter in delhi brings with it the joys of christmas and new year....
as we grow old we actually looses our innocent joys of childhood and joy,merriment and everything gets measured with money...alas but cant grow small again...
enjoying my married life and its fun to be working again....
2010 was a disaster in many ways in my life but wish 2011 brings some luck to me....

happy new year to everyone who visits this blog....